
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities

Gain valuable exposure for you and your company with an excellent opportunity to network with CVB and Tourism Professionals from an eight state region! Registration to open in March of 2025.


UMCVB Sponsorship/Exhibitor Agreement Terms and Conditions

Agreement to Conditions – Each sponsor/exhibitor agrees to abide by these conditions, it being understood and agreed that the sole control of the exhibit area rests with the conference coordinators.

Payment – The full fee (non-refundable) must accompany each reservation form for sponsorship/exhibit space.  No refunds for cancellations will be accepted.

Liability – The conference coordinators undertake no duty to exercise care, nor assume responsibility for the protection and safety of the sponsor/exhibitor, his officials, agents or employees, or the protection of the property of the sponsor/exhibitor or his representatives, or of the property used in conjunction with the sponsorship/exhibit, from theft or damage or destruction by fire, accident or other cause.  Any protection exercised, in fact, by the conference coordinators shall be deemed purely gratuitous on its part and shall in no way be construed to involve it in liability by the exhibitor.

The sponsor/exhibitor agrees to indemnify and hold the conference coordinators harmless from all such claims and from all claims or liability of any nature whatsoever arising from the activities of the sponsorship/exhibitor or any of his representatives or from the property of the sponsor/exhibitor.

The conference coordinators shall not be liable for the fulfillment of this agreement as to delivery of space, if non delivery is due to any one of the following causes: destruction of or damage to the building or the sponsor/exhibit area by fire or act of God; acts of a public enemy; strikes; the authority of the law; or any cause beyond their control.

The conference coordinators will, however, in the event they are not able to hold a sponsor/exhibit for any of the above-named causes, reimburse sponsors/exhibitors pro-rata on any rental fee paid, less any and all legitimate expenses incurred by the conference coordinators for advertising, administration, etc.

Insurance – In all cases, sponsors/exhibitors wishing to insure their goods must do so at their own expense.

Exhibit Description – Exhibitor booths will be located in the general session room. Booths consist of a 6-foot table and 2 chairs, electricity & internet access. Please bring a table cloth and any promotional displays that will fit in a 10×10 space. 

Default Occupancy – Any sponsor/exhibitor failing to occupy contracted space is not relieved of the obligations of paying for such space at the full rental price. The conference coordinators shall have the right to use such space as they see fit to eliminate blank space in the exhibit area, provided such booth space is not occupied by 5:00pm on Monday, September 9, 2024.

Personnel – All sponsors/exhibitors participating in the exhibit area of the conference are expected to use special care wherever they deem it necessary to hire temporary help to assist in their sponsorship/exhibit or hospitality activities, so that personnel so selected by them will be of a caliber in keeping with the high standards of the sponsorship/exhibition and the conference.

This agreement may be rescinded at any time without cause at the discretion of the conference coordinators upon repayment of any fees advanced, less any expenses, which may have been incurred.